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'Tools for Transparency'
Do students enrolled in higher education around Europe develop the competences they need? Are study programmes delivering their promises? Can we learn to compare student’s achievements in different countries in a meaningful way?
The EU funded outcomes of the projects TUNING-CALOHEE/CALOHEX help to find the answers to these questions by offering the frameworks and tools that allow for defining and designing state-of-the art degree programmes and to facilitate comparison and recognition. These are outcome-based and meant to offer transparent information for all higher education stakeholders, that is universities, employers, quality assurance organisations but most of all learners.
The project covers eleven subject areas so far, representing the five academic domains: Arts (Creative and Performing Arts and Design), Engineering (Civil Engineering), Health Care (Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Medicine), Humanities (History), Natural Sciences (Physics and ICT) and Social Sciences (Business Administration, International Relations and Teacher Education). The methodology developed is also applicable for any other field of study.
This website focusses on the EU-funded TUNING-CALOHEE Extension project CALOHEX implemented from 2020 to 2024, a direct follow-up of the ERASMUS+ Forward Looking Cooperation Project Measuring and Comparing Achievements in Higher Education in Europe. It covers the following fields: Business Administration, Creative and Performing Arts & Design, Medicine, Information and Communication Technology, International Relations and Occupational Therapy.
The frameworks and tools developed for these academic fields apply the same methodology, but they are tailored to the characteristics of each domain or subject area, taking into account the diversity of missions, orientations and profiles of universities in Europe and their various degree programmes. They build on the work done in the original Tuning Educational Structures in Europe which published its Reference Points for the Design of Degree Programmes in 2008 and after.
Besides these subjects Tuning-CALOHEE also offers sophisticated General Qualifications Reference Frameworks for all cycles: short cycle / associated degree, bachelor, master and doctorate, that is the levels 5 to 8 in the EU Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. In addition, it offers a Guideline to use the materials for quality assurance in higher education programmes and for micro-credentials.
For more general information about the TUNING-CALOHEE initiative visit the website: https://www.calohee.eu
The Tuning-CALOHEX project is coordinated by the International Tuning Academy of the University of Groningen. The Project Team consisted of Margriet Visser and Sabine Zwaans (project managers), Maria Yarosh (academic coordinator) and Robert Wagenaar (project leader).